Monday, August 20, 2007

Gearing up for art!

After a summer of reading drawing books, and a few bits of aesthetics in places, my art curriculum is almost finished. I was a bit stuck on illustrations for the concept of contrast, but found some lovely examples after a bit of research, including a striking "Pieta" by Jean Fouquet. There's a starkness about it that reminds me of twentieth century art, but Fouquet lived circa 1420-1480.

Because we'll be focusing on improving our drawing skills, I've been spending some time searching for drawings (rather than just paintings) by the masters who have gone before us to use as examples in our class this year. Here's a gem by Albrecht Durer, titled "Head of an Angel". Durer was an immensely talented artist. I'm always amazed by the details in his engravings, especially those with words--remember engravings are made backwards.

But in honor of going back to school, I want to share one of my favorite paintings by Caravaggio called "Rest on the Flight into Egypt". An imaginative painting to be sure (can't think of any violin-playing angels in the Scriptural story...), but so lovely and delicate, with such a sense of peace. Astonishing, coming from such a wild man. A reminder, perhaps that outward appearances can be decieving? Enough of my musings, however--here's the painting. Be sure to click on it and view it larger or you'll miss out.


Lennea said...

Thanks for the art history lesson! Love the pictures you posted.

Izabella Blue said...

It's so lovely to come visit your blog~ finally catching up after being away for 2 months~ I see you have been busy over the summer!!

Hope all is well in your world :)

xo!! ~Bella

JudyK said...

I love that Flight into Egypt. Another artist did a little different rendition of it, I was at the MFA in Boston last week but can't remember the artist name. I have a small poster of a modern version of Mary and Jesus resting in the arms of the Sphinx with a light glowing on them..beautiful.

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